Sunday, October 31, 2010

One good week ..

Yes I had an eventful week and I had to write about it.
I finally got this carpenter to finish some work at home and took leave of office for a few days against some opposition from dad of course. The previous evening I went shopping for some books. And this guy at the store, God bless his soul, handed me this book called 'a million little pieces..' by James Frey. Its the 23 year old author's memoirs of being an addict for 10 years and his struggle through rehab. I loved the story because it describes a guy who has hit rock bottom on life, whose body and mind has been destroyed beyond repair, how he looks at life that has no hope hour by hour. And he overcomes the ordeal by enduring. I think its a good lesson in life. There can be some testing times in life and we just have to hold on and let it pass for it will..'this too will pass'.
But before the book could depress me any more, my friend walked in with some lovely stew for me. And the minute she mentioned shopping, I not only hopped into her car but also offered to drive it! And so we had a lovely day just girls shopping. Not that we ever buy much.
But I did buy some stuff when I forced Sunil to discard his sleep on a saturday afternoon to go shopping with me. And while he spent the afternoon grumping thinking it to be a futile excercise and that I am not going to buy anything I surprised him by making some choices!!
And then there was this plan of a dinner get together with friends which materialised at this friends place who had joined us for the first time. Good good fun!
But the best part of all week was some hours I spent in dads office and the smile on his face on seeing me there. Well.. the smile lasted the day coz we were able to accomplish quite a lot of work that day!!
So like they say alls well that ends well...

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